Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Pursuit of Happyness

Since this is one my favourite movies, I had to write about it. The pursuit of happyness is a movie I watched in grade 7 or 8, and have seen more than once. I believe that this movie is one of the best movies in the world. It came out into theaters in December of 2006, starring Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith. The movie earned 4 stars.

The pursuit of happyness is a based on a true story about, a father struggling just to make enough money to support his child after his wife leaves them, and they lose their house. This movie almost had me in tears (which says a lot because I barely get emotional over anything), because it is very emotional. The base of the story line is very realistic, and once a movie is realistic I feel like it has more of a personal effect on people, for example this movie is about the struggle of making money, which is something a lot of people are afraid of lacking.

Will Smith is one of my favourite actors; I feel that without him as an actor in this film it would have had less meaning to me. He is such an amazing actor that I could feel his pain, in most of the movie he is stressed and as his actions and facial expressions show his anxiety, it made me concerned as if it was me in his situation or as if it was actually happening in real life in front of my eyes.

His character also teaches a lesson in the sense that hard work pays off, after all your work you will be rewarded, also that determination is key because if he wasn’t determined he would have stopped trying to succeed or support his family after his wife doubts and leaves him. Knowledge is power because without his knowledge he would not have gotten as far as he does. I also feel that his son did an amazing job being that he was very young at the time.

The music throughout this movie goes perfectly with the scenes (for example: in the beginning while he explaining his “life story” and his everyday life the music is happy and sort of upbeat as it is an overall nice day), also the scene will match the mood of the situation, if it is a hostile or sad scene the lights are dim. I think that it adds more of an affect into the scene which makes it more dramatic.

I like that throughout the movie Will Smith’s character (Chris) is explaining the situation that’s playing out, and is talking in the past tense speaking of his formal self.

All in all, the movie has an inspirational speech that is said by Chris to his son, and it is the main reason to why I am in love with this movie.

I give this movie a 10 out of 10



  1. I'm so happy you made a post about this movie. It is so sad yet such an amazing movie. I love how will smith got to work with his real son as an actor in the movie. I love how you explained the struggle in the movie and hopefully people that haven't seen, will read that and have the need to watch it. This is a great post! Keep it up!:)

    1. Thank you, my intentions throughout my blogs are to either convince people to watch the movie, or give them a different point of view on it. I know I feel that maybe the reason it is such an amazing movie is because of how sad it is. I love this movie and I am glad you enjoyed this posted, even while writing this I realized how truly blessed I am :)

  2. I'm actually glad you chose this movie. Will smith is a great actor. This movie showed a story of a struggling father, who refuses to give in to despair well hes struggling to make a better life for him and his son. Very inspirational, very eye opening. Keep up the great work Mikayla.

  3. Yes, I agree Will Smith is amazing. I am glad that this has inspired you, that is one of mygoals throughout my blogs. If you have any suggestions feel free to let me know :)
