Sunday, March 1, 2015

Shark Tale

My parents have always been big fans of Willl Smith and Jack Black, and while I was a kid the movie starring Will Smith, Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Renée Zellweger, Robert De Niro and others, called "Shark Tale" came out in 2004. It was a big deal around that time, the movie was animated and made by DreamWorks Animation, directed by Vicky Jenson,Bibo Bergeron and Rob Letterman. This movie has earned 3 stars.
Image result for shark tale

This movie was something I watched continuously, to me the soundtrack as great and suited the movie and scenes in which they played the music. The story is about a fish named Oscar who is sort of an underdog and always has been he works at a whale wash, he always wanted to be rich and famous he could not appreciate what he had. One day he has the chance to become a hero when he did nothing, and of course he took that chance. Just like any one else, the fame got to his head he became obsessed with keeping up his reputation. Of course, as most situations full of lies the truth came out.

This movie is like most all movies there is a beginning, something bad that occurs and a happy ending, which is unoriginal in my opinion. Because of the outcome of how his lies got him into a bad situations, it helped me think before I was going to lie, because a small lie can always lead to a bigger one than you had intended it to be in the first place (for example: He starts of by saying he killed a shark and suddenly he is on the face of the news, and is accepted to continue being the so called "shark slayer").Therefore, lying gets you no where because if in the act of lying you hurt the people that you love most then there is no point

There are also other aspects in the story that teach a lesson, such as the relationship between Lenny and his father. Lenny was unlike the rest of sharks and did not want be a killer so therefore was a vegetarian. His father did not agree with him and wished he was more like his brother Frankie. Later on in the movie his father begins to understand Lenny and accepts him. This to me shows that your parents will not always agree with what you do but that does not always mean that you shouldn't do it if it is a reflection of who you are or who you want to be. At the end of the day who you are speaks louder than who others want you to be, if you continue with what you think is right sometimes people will begin to see your side of things. You will never be perfect in anyone's eyes not even your own.

The animation was also done well for it only being in 2004, to a kid (which is what the movie was geared to) it is fascinating and interesting because of all the vibrant colours. Also I thought it was so interesting how they made the ocean look like New York city but underwater and for fish. The characters in this movie were well done non of them looked the same and each added an importance to the movie, whether it was to make you laugh or to make you hate them.

This movie is an 8 out of 10 in my opinion for the previous reasons.



  1. I grew up watching this movie and I'm happy that you enjoyed it as much as I did. I loved how you explained the lessons taught throughout the movie and how you should really think before you act. I enjoyed reading your blog and I’m super excited to see what you have planned next.

    1. Thanks Faith, yeah I grew up watching it as well, I cant even count how many times I've seen it but the more I watch it the more I understand it, it is all in all an amazing movie, I am glad I could remind you of your child hood :)

  2. Wow Mikayla! You and I have obviously great taste in movies. Will Smith is my ultimate favourite actor and I love this movie. It's really nice that you explained how this movie teaches a lesson because this encourages kids to watch it. Good job! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!

    1. THANKS, I love will smith so much, he is also in my next blog, just because he is such an amazing actor and he has made such a big affect on my life as silly as that sounds, but I grew up watching him, from The fresh prince to his latest movie focus. He is an inspiration and I can't wait for you to read my next blog. :)

  3. This has to be one of my favorite posts. This movie is basically my childhood. I have the movie, the soundtrack, everything. I love this post simply because it's about Shark Tale. But what I love most about this post is that you've mentioned the lessons to be learned throughout the film. I love this post and I hope to read more from you! Keep it up, you're a great blogger!:)

    1. Thanks Kaylee, I'm glad you enjoyed it this is one of my favourite movies from my childhood, so I had to write about it. Its true though as a kid I didn't realize how many lessons there actually was throughout the movie. But as I re watched it recently I realized so much more :)

  4. I also used to love this movie Mikayla! This was actually the very first movie I saw in a movie theatre so its nostalgic to me, I love watching it to bring back old memories. I really enjoyed reading your post because I haven't seen the movie in such a long time. Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks Alec, yeah its a great movie, I'm glad you enjoyed it. This movie was one a my favourite, just cause it was funny and something I could watch over and over again without getting bored.
